Rodney Dyer

Rodney Dyer

Variable nuclear markers for a Sonoran Desert bark beetle, Araptus attenuatus Wood (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), with applications to related genera

Variable nuclear markers for a Sonoran Desert bark beetle, Araptus attenuatus Wood (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), with applications to related genera

Garrick, R.C., Meadows, C.A., Nason, J.D. et al. Variable nuclear markers for a Sonoran Desert bark beetle, Araptus attenuatus Wood (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), with applications to related genera. Conserv Genet 10, 1177–1179 (2009). Abstract We report eight new co-dominant nuclear markers
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A set of polymorphic nuclear intron markers for conservation genetics and phylogeography of Euphorbia species (Pedilanthus clade)

A set of polymorphic nuclear intron markers for conservation genetics and phylogeography of Euphorbia species (Pedilanthus clade)

Abstract We developed seven nuclear intron markers for Euphorbia lomelii. New exon-primed intron-crossing (EPIC) oligonucleotides were used for initial amplification and sequencing, then locus-specific primers and restriction-fragment-length polymorphism genotyping assays were designed. Loci showed no significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium, and they cross-amplify in at least three congeneric
Demographic consequences of inflorescence-feeding insects for Liatris cylindracea, an iteroparous perennial

Demographic consequences of inflorescence-feeding insects for Liatris cylindracea, an iteroparous perennial

Kelly, C.A., Dyer, R.J. Demographic consequences of inflorescence-feeding insects for Liatris cylindracea, an iteroparous perennial. Oecologia 132, 350–360 (2002). Abstract While floral herbivores and predispersal seed predators often reduce plant reproductive output, their role in limiting plant fitness and population growth
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